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HowLock Picks Expose The Weaknesses Of Locks 

· Showcase Locks,Lock Pick Sets

Peoplehave been installing locks since 4,000 years ago. This was the time when people from Assyria installed devices made of wood that served the purpose of locking and securing their homes. For a long time, they were able to do the job effectively. However, thieves quickly caught up and they were able to defeat this earlier system. This prompted people to make improvements to the locks and just like their earlier counterparts; they were able to do the job of securing homes and properties. That is, until the thieves caught up. This game of tag went on for the centuries to come. In fact, it's still happening now.

Lockmanufacturers are routinely making improvements to their locks to the delight of homeowners. In a way, these improved measures provide a feeling of security. For centuries, hearing a lock click in place is enough for people to feel safe when they turn in for the night. However, lock picks have exposed locks as nothing more than devices that offer a falsesense of security.

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Someof the most popular locks today feature pins or wafers that prevent the lock from opening. This was a good mechanism for the locks. Yes, it WAS a good mechanism. These locks had 5 or 6 pins of different heights and these pins block the path of the plug so that you can't turn it in order to open the lock. The right key has teeth of different heights. These teeth raise the pins gently upwards so that the pins will align with the shear line so you can turn the plug.

Now,these locks have 2 glaring weaknesses. First, the pins can be manipulated. Notice how the teeth of the key manipulate the pins in place. This means that in reality, all you need to do is to manipulate them until they're aligned with the shear line. In a way, the pins that were designed to arm the lock are the lock's most glaring weakness.

Ofcourse, the key will need an access point so it can reach the pins. This is what the keyhole is for. This is the other glaring weakness of locks. The keyhole is basically a small door, an invitation if you will, for someone to try and manipulate the pins inside. Sure, the lock can secure your home's entry point. But what's securing the lock's entry point?

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Thisis why high-security locking systems don't have keyholes. A good example is a safe. Safes are widely-used in banks and safe manufacturers know better than put a little door for thieves to gain access to the inner mechanisms of the safe. But still, they're not that secured as well. A determined thief can create his own access point with the help of a drill. But at least, that makes it much harder to defeat safes.

Unfortunately,most homes rely on the more common locks and the false sense of security that they offer. Fortunately, lock manufacturers are always on their feet as they're trying to create more security features. For example, some locks have security pins in place. However, what that will do is just make it a little bit harder for thieves.